So, yeah. That happened. That person is now President of the United States. I'm still not entirely sure I'm not giving up on the shit show[1] that the American Experiment has become. I continue to reserve that right, but I know for sure that in the meantime I have to speak up. Loudly. Often. So, *spreads arms* here I am. And I am angry. Furious. Wrothful. I am at the end of my rope with many of my fellow Americans, and, like the man said, I'm not going to take it anymore. Appropriately enough, I turn 43 in 41 minutes, and my main resolution for this upcoming trip around the sun is to stand up and fight: the patriarchy, racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia... At this point, if you name it and it marginalizes a group, I'll take a swing at it. I do not anticipate this being difficult, as I have run out of fucks to give[2]. I have named this blog for my two favorite historical shit-kickers, St. Thomas Becket and St. Thomas More. Both spoke truth to power. Both f...